
ColneChrist ChurchChurch of England Primary School


Welcome toColne Christ Church Church of England Primary School

Modern Foreign Languages

The whole school celebrating 'L' Epiphanie en France' with a 'Galette des Rois'.

At the end of the autumn term, the whole school enjoyed singing one of our Christmas carols in French for the Carol Service in church.

Here are the lyrics for the first verse of the song, click the video link and give it a go!


Douce nuit

Douce nuit, sainte nuit !
Dans les cieux ! L'astre luit.
Le mystère annoncé s'accomplit
Cet enfant sur la paille endormi,
C'est l'amour infini !
C'est l'amour infini !


Can you recognise the carol?


Greetings in French in Year 3

Still image for this video
In Year 3 we have been so excited to start learning French! We have learned to introduce ourselves to each other. Can you understand what we are saying? 😉

Bonjour et bienvenue à notre page web!

At Christ Church Colne Primary School, our aim is to make sure that all children in Key Stage 2 will develop a genuine interest and positive curiosity about Modern Foreign Languages, with French being our main language of study. Learning a foreign language doesn't only provide an opening to other cultures and help children to deepen their understanding of the world, it also has many cognitive benefits. These include helping to improve memory, problem-solving skills, concentration and listening skills which in turn all help our children in other subjects in school too! The main focus in lower Key Stage 2 is on listening and speaking, getting used to the pronunciation of the language and learning to communicate orally with confidence. As children move through the Key Stage they will continue to improve the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation as well as developing writing skills, using grammatical structures they have learned.

Watch this space for examples of our work...!

À bientôt!

Christ Church CE Primary School – French Progression of Skills 2022-23

National Curriculum

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Speaking and Pronunciation

Engage in conversations; ask and answer questions; express opinions and respond to those of others; seek clarification and help.


Asking and/or answering simple questions


Forming simple statements with information including the negative


Practising speaking with a partner


Recognising and answering simple questions which involve giving personal  information


Beginning to form opinion phrases


Beginning to use conversational phrases for purposeful dialogue


To greet people in French and ask and answer a question about feelings.


Forming simple statements with information including the negative.


Recognising and answering simple questions which involve giving personal  information.


Beginning to form opinion phrases


Practising speaking with a partner


Developing extended sentences to justify  a fact or opinion


Planning, asking and answering extended questions


Engaging in conversation and transactional language


Speak in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases (and simple writing).


Using short phrases to give information


Beginning to adapt phrases from a rhyme/song


Using a model to form a spoken sentence


Speaking in full sentences using known vocabulary


Using a model to form a spoken sentence


Speaking in full sentences using known vocabulary


Planning and presenting a short text


Modifying, expressing and comparing opinions


Develop accurate pronunciation and intonation so that others understand when they are reading aloud or using familiar words and phrases.


Repeating short phrases accurately, including liaison of final consonant before  vowel


Listening and repeating key phonemes with care


Comparing sounds and spelling patterns  with English


Listening and repeating further key  phonemes with care


Repeating short phrases accurately, including liaison of final consonant before  vowel


Listening and repeating key phonemes with care


Discussing strategies for remembering and applying pronunciation rules


Speaking and reading aloud with increasing confidence and fluency


Comparing and applying pronunciation rules or patterns from known vocabulary


Present ideas and information orally to a range of audiences.


Introducing self to a partner with simple phrases

Rehearsing and performing a short   presentation

Introducing self to a partner with simple  phrases

Rehearsing and performing a short   presentation

Conducting a survey with a partner, giving information and justifying opinions


Describe people, places and things and actions orally


Recognising and using adjectives


Choosing appropriate adjectives from a wider range of adjectives

Recognising and using adjectives



Recognising and using a wide range of descriptive phrases




Listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding.


Listening and responding to single words  and short phrases


Following verbal instructions in French


Responding to objects or images with a  phrase or other verbal response


Identifying items by colour and other  adjectives


Listening and selecting information


Using language detective skills to decode vocabulary


Following verbal instructions in French

Identifying items by colour and other  adjectives


Listening and selecting information


Using language detective skills to decode vocabulary



Using prepositions to indicate the location of objects relative to something


Understanding directional language and phrases and prepositions to describe how to get to places eg the  route to school


Recognising present and near future t ense sentences (using aller + infinitive)


Explore the patterns and sounds of languages through songs and rhymes and link to spelling, sound and meaning of words.


Listening and identifying key words in rhymes and songs and joining in


Beginning to identify vowel sounds and  combinations


Listening and noticing rhyming words

Listening to songs, joining in with songs and noticing sound patterns


Noticing and beginning to predict key  word patterns and spelling patterns


Listening and identifying key words in rhymes and songs and joining in


Identify vowel sounds and  combinations


Recalling and performing an extended song or rhyme


Listening to stories, songs or texts in  French


Reading and Writing

Read carefully and show understanding of words, phrases and simple writing.


Recognising some familiar words in written  form

Noticing and discussing cognates and beginning to identify language detective strategies

Noticing and discussing cognates and beginning to identify language detective strategies

Making increasingly accurate attempts to  read unfamiliar words and phrases

Reading and using language skills to assess meaning including sentence structure


Appreciate stories, songs, poems and rhymes in the language.


Reading aloud some words from simple songs, stories and rhymes


Following a short text or rhyme, listening and reading at the same time


Reading aloud some words/short text  from simple songs, stories and rhymes


Reading and responding to. an

extract from a story, an e-mail message or  song


Reading short authentic texts for enjoyment or information


Broaden their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words that are introduced into familiar written material, including through using a dictionary.


Beginning to develop dictionary skills Identifying cognates and near cognates


Becoming familiar with format, layout and simple use of a bilingual dictionary to find the meaning of unknown words and check  the spelling of unfamiliar words


Using cognates and near cognates along  with other detective skills to gist information


Develop dictionary skills and use a simple bilingual dictionary to check the meaning of unknown words and the spelling of familiar words.

Identifying cognates and near cognates


Using a bilingual dictionary to select alternative vocabulary for sentence  building


Write phrases from memory, and adapt these to create new sentences to express ideas clearly.


Recalling and writing simple words from memory


Selecting and writing short words  and phrases


Recalling and writing simple words from  memory

Selecting and writing short words  and phrases


Choosing words, phrases and

sentences and writing as a text or captions


Use familiar vocabulary in phrases and simple writing.


Experimenting with simple writing, copying with accuracy

Making short phrases or sentences using word cards

Experimenting with simple writing, copying with accuracy

Making short phrases or sentences using word cards

Constructing a short text on a familiar topic


Describe people, places and things and actions orally and in writing.


Recognising and using adjectives of colour  and size


Using adapted phrases to describe an object or person


Using adapted phrases to describe an object or person


Using a wide range of descriptive phrases


Recognising and using verbs in different tenses



Understand basic grammar appropriate

to the language being studied, including (where relevant) feminine, masculine and neuter

forms and the conjugation of high frequency verbs, key features and patterns

of the language; how to apply these to build sentences and how these differ from or are similar to    English.


Beginning to recognise gender of nouns, definite and indefinite article


Identifying plurals of nouns


Recognising adjectives and placement relative  to the noun


Beginning to understand that verbs  have patterns


Noticing the negative form


Beginning to use prepositions


Using indefinite article in the plural  form


Recognising and using possessive adjective ‘my’ and pronouns he/she/it


Recognising and beginning to apply rules for placement and agreement of adjectives


Recognising and using the negative form


Using prepositions


Making comparisons of word order in    French and English



Beginning to recognise gender of nouns, definite and indefinite article


Identifying plurals of nouns


Recognising adjectives and placement relative  to the noun


Beginning to understand that verbs  have patterns


Recognising and using the negative form


Using prepositions



Accurately applying placement and  agreement rules for adjectives


Recognising and beginning to form

some verbs in near future tense using aller


Recognising and applying verb endings for  present regular ‘er’ verbs


Learning and using some common irregular verbs, e.g. ‘to make’’


Understanding how word order differs between French and English


Identifying word classes within a sentence


Intercultural understanding

Provide an opening to other cultures. Foster curiosity and deepen understanding of the world.


Recognising that different languages are spoken in the community/world


Showing awareness of the capital and identifying some key cultural landmarks.


Recognising cultural similarities and differences between customs and traditions in France and England


Comparing schools and celebrations between France and the UK


Comparing shops and high streets of France and UK


Recognising and using the Euro currency


Identifying some French-speaking countries


Recognising that different languages are spoken in the community/world


Showing awareness of the capital and identifying some key cultural landmarks.


Recognising cultural similarities and differences between customs and traditions in France and England

Comparing schools and celebrations between France and the UK


Comparing shops and high streets of France and UK


Recognising and using the Euro currency


Identifying some French-speaking countries



Learning about France’s sporting culture and events


Asking question and making insightful commentary on cultural differences, including some understanding of stereotype


