Through our Christian Faith, we acknowledge our responsibility to all, to enrich lives and show love and respect within our school family. We believe in lifelong learning aiming to equip our children to live life today and for tomorrow rooted in Christian love.
For with God nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37)
What does Design and Technology at our school look like?
Be Community Minded: our children will begin to have an understanding and a respect for the wide diversity of life and their place in it.
As a school we fully embrace the knowledge and skills set out in the National Curriculum. DT at Christ Church will build skills required to complete everyday tasks in an increasing technological community both locally and globally. It focusses on the six key areas of mechanisms, structures, textiles, food, electrical systems and the digital world, following a design, make and evaluate approach. We will begin to teach the children skills, that can be built on through their lives, in order to equip them with the ability to work for a range of local large engineering and manufacturing employers, such as Rolls Royce, Silent Night and Hope Technology. Additionally, we will recognise where our decisions can impact the wider world in terms of community, social and environmental issues, by enhancing and investigating the lives of others. At Christ Church we aim to build an awareness of the impact of design and technology on our lives and encourage resourceful, enterprising citizens who will have the skills to contribute to future design advancements.
Be empowered: Design and Technology is a practical subject that enables our children to actively contribute to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of themselves, their community and their nation.
At Christ Church we have adopted the Kapow scheme which is a spiral curriculum, where key areas are revisited again and again with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revisit and build on their previous learning, in turn empowering their confidence. We want pupils to develop the confidence to take risks, through drafting design concepts, modelling, and testing and to be reflective learners who evaluate their work and the work of others. Our Curriculum ensures lessons can be accessed by all pupils and opportunities to stretch pupils’ learning are available.
Be inspired: learning skills that are used in real life situations allows children to be ambitious in their own future employment opportunities and personal life skills.
In school, we aim to inspire pupils to be innovative and creative thinkers who have an appreciation for the product design cycle through ideation, creation and evaluation. Exploring different skills and understanding as set out in the National Curriculum, allows children to become inquisitive about exploring opportunities that may be presented to them in their future employments.
Inquisitive: children learn to see the importance of Design and Technology and how they have shaped the world we live in today.
Children will be encouraged to be inquisitive by manipulation, dismantling and observation of existing products whilst simultaneously, exploring the work of inventors and designers. Acquiring design and technology skills helps our children to make their own decisions in how they want to shape their products. Learning experiences are through individual tasks, paired and group work including practical hands-on, computer-based and inventive tasks. This variety means that lessons are engaging and appeal to all learning styles.
Be articulate: children develop the vocabulary and skills to discuss and evaluate their own ideas.
DT will provide children with the vocabulary required to discuss the products they intend to make, justify their design and evaluate products. DT will promote the respectful evaluation of the work of others, whereby positives of work will be discussed prior to any improvements.
EYFS – Design and Technology Progression | ||||||
Design | Structures | Mechanisms | Electrical systems | Cooking and Nutrition | Textiles | Evaluate |
Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings.
Create collaboratively, sharing ideas, resources and skills.
Create closed shapes with continuous lines and begin to use these shapes to represent objects.
Develop their own ideas and then decide which materials to use to express them.
| Use a range of small tools including scissors and paintbrushes.
Explore a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function.
Make imaginative and complex ‘small worlds’ with blocks and construction kits, such as a city with different buildings and a park. | Explore different materials freely, in order to develop their ideas about how to use them and what to make.
Safely use and explore a variety of tools and techniques, experimenting with function. | Explore how things work by looking at images or video clips etc. | Use the right resources to carry out their own plan.
Develop their small motor skills so that they can use a range of tools competently, safely and confidently.
Use a range of small tools including cutlery. | Use a range of small tools.
Use their core muscle strength to achieve a good posture when sitting at a table or sitting on the floor. | Return to and build on their previous learning, refining ideas and developing their ability to represent them.
Share their creations explaining the process they have used.
Structures | |||||||
| Year 1 | Year2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 | |
Skills |
| Constructing a windmill | Baby Bear’s Chair | Constructing a castle | Pavilions |
| Playgrounds |
Design | • Learning the importance of a clear design criteria • Including individual preferences and requirements in a design
| • Generating and communicating ideas using sketching and modelling
| • Designing a castle with key features to appeal to a specific person/purpose • Drawing and labelling a castle design using 2D shapes, labelling: -the 3D shapes that will create the features - materials needed and colours • Designing and/or decorating a castle tower on CAD software | • Designing a stable pavilion structure that is aesthetically pleasing and selecting materials to create a desired effect • Building frame structures designed to support weight |
| • Designing a playground featuring a variety of different structures, giving careful consideration to how the structures will be used, considering effective and ineffective designs | |
Make | • Making stable structures from card, tape and glue • Learning how to turn 2D nets into 3D structures • Following instructions to cut and assemble the supporting structure of a windmill • Making functioning turbines and axles which are assembled into a main supporting structure
| • Making a structure according to design criteria • Creating joints and structures from paper/card and tape • Building a strong and stiff structure by folding paper
| • Constructing a range of 3D geometric shapes using nets • Creating special features for individual designs • Making facades from a range of recycled materials | • Creating a range of different shaped frame structures • Making a variety of free standing frame structures of different shapes and sizes • Selecting appropriate materials to build a strong structure and for the cladding • Reinforcing corners to strengthen a structure • Creating a design in accordance with a plan • Learning to create different textural effects with materials |
| • Building a range of play apparatus structures drawing upon new and prior knowledge of structures • Measuring, marking and cutting wood to create a range of structures • Using a range of materials to reinforce and add decoration to structures | |
Evaluate | • Evaluating a windmill according to the design criteria, testing whether the structure is strong and stable and altering it if it isn’t • Suggest points for improvements | • Testing the strength of own structures • Identifying the weakest part of a structure • Evaluating the strength, stiffness and stability of own structure
| • Evaluating own work and the work of others based on the aesthetic of the finished product and in comparison to the original design • Suggesting points for modification of the individual designs | • Evaluating structures made by the class • Describing what characteristics of a design and construction made it the most effective • Considering effective and ineffective designs |
| • Improving a design plan based on peer evaluation • Testing and adapting a design to improve it as it is developed • Identifying what makes a successful structure | |
Knowledge | Technical | • To understand that the shape of materials can be changed to improve the strength and stiffness of structures • To understand that cylinders are a strong type of structure (e.g. the main shape used for windmills and lighthouses) • To understand that axles are used in structures and mechanisms to make parts turn in a circle • To begin to understand that different structures are used for different purposes • To know that a structure is something that has been made and put together • To know that a client is the person I am designing for
| • To know that materials can be manipulated to improve strength and stiffness • To know that a structure is something which has been formed or made from parts • To know that a ‘stable’ structure is one which is firmly fixed and unlikely to change or move • To know that a ‘strong’ structure is one which does not break easily • To know that a ‘stiff’ structure or material is one which does not bend easily | • To understand that wide and flat based objects are more stable • To understand the importance of strength and stiffness in structures | • To understand what a frame structure is • To know that a ‘free-standing’ structure is one which can stand on its own |
| • To know that structures can be strengthened by manipulating materials and shapes |
| Additional | • To know that design criteria is a list of points to ensure the product meets the client’s needs and wants • To know that a windmill harnesses the power of wind for a purpose like grinding grain, pumping water or generating electricity • To know that windmill turbines use wind to turn and make the machines inside work • To know that a windmill is a structure with sails that are moved by the wind • To know the three main parts of a windmill are the turbine, axle and structure |
| • To know the following features of a castle: flags, towers, battlements, turrets, curtain walls, moat, drawbridge and gatehouse - and their purpose • To know that a façade is the front of a structure • To understand that a castle needed to be strong and stable to withstand enemy attack • To know that a paper net is a flat 2D shape that can become a 3D shape once assembled • To know that a design specification is a list of success criteria for a product | • To know that a pavilions ia a decorative building or structure for leisure activities • To know that cladding can be applied to structures for different effects. • To know that aesthetics are how a product looks • To know that a product’s function means its purpose • To understand that the target audience means the person or group of people a product is designed for • To know that architects consider light, shadow and patterns when designing |
| • To understand what a 'footprint plan' is • To understand that in the real world, design , can impact users in positive and negative ways • To know that a prototype is a cheap model to test a design idea |
| MECHANISMS | ||||||||
| Year 1 | Year2 | Year 2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 | ||
Skills |
| Fairground Wheel | Moving Monster |
| Slingshot car | Pop-Up book |
| |
Design |
| • Selecting a suitable linkage system to produce the desired motions • Designing a wheel Selecting appropriate materials based on their properties | • Creating a class design criteria for a moving monster • Designing a moving monster for a specific audience in accordance with a design criteria |
| • Designing a shape that reduces air resistance • Drawing a net to create a structure from • Choosing shapes that increase or decrease speed as a result of air resistance • Personalising a design | • Designing a pop-up book which uses a mixture of structures and mechanisms • Naming each mechanism, input and output accurately • Storyboarding ideas for a book |
| ||
Make |
| • Selecting materials according to their characteristics • Following a design brief | • Making linkages using card for levers and split pins for pivots • Experimenting with linkages adjusting the widths, lengths and thicknesses of card used • Cutting and assembling components neatly |
| • Measuring, marking, cutting and assembling with increasing accuracy • Making a model based on a chosen design | • Following a design brief to make a pop up book, neatly and with focus on accuracy • Making mechanisms and/or structures using sliders, pivots and folds to produce movement • Using layers and spacers to hide the workings of mechanical parts for an aesthetically pleasing result |
| ||
Evaluate |
| • Evaluating different designs • Testing and adapting a design | • Evaluating own designs against design criteria • Using peer feedback to modify a final design |
| • Evaluating the speed of a final product based on: the effect of shape on speed and the accuracy of workmanship on performance | N/A |
| ||
Knowledge | Technical |
| • To know that different materials have different properties and are therefore suitable for different uses | • To know that mechanisms are a collection of moving parts that work together as a machine to produce movement • To know that there is always an input and output in a mechanism • To know that an input is the energy that is used to start something working • To know that an output is the movement that happens as a result of the input • To know that a lever is something that turns on a pivot • To know that a linkage mechanism is made up of a series of levers |
| • To know that air resistance is the level of drag on an object as it is forced through the air • To understand that the shape of a moving object will affect how it moves due to air resistance. | • To know that mechanisms control movement • To understand that mechanisms that can be used to change one kind of motion into another • To understand how to use sliders, pivots and folds to create paper-based mechanisms |
| |
| Additional |
| • To know the features of a ferris wheel include the wheel, frame, pods, a base an axle and an axle holder • To know that it is important to test my design as I go along so that I can solve any problems that may occur | • To know some real-life objects that contain mechanisms |
| • To know that aesthetics means how an object or product looks in design and technology • To know that a template is a stencil you can use to help you draw the same shape accurately • To know that a birds-eye view means a view from a high angle (as if a bird in flight) • To know that graphics are images which are designed to explain or advertise something •To know that it is important to assess and evaluate design ideas and models against a list of design criteria. | • To know that a design brief is a description of what I am going to design and make • To know that designers often want to hide mechanisms to make a product more aesthetically pleasing |
Electrical Systems (KS2 only) | |||||||
| Year 1 | Year2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 | |
Skills |
| Torches | Doodlers |
Design |
| • Designing a torch, giving consideration to the target audience and creating both design and success criteria focusing on features of individual design ideas | • Identifying factors that could be changed on existing products and explaining how these would alter the form and function of the product • Developing design criteria based on finding from investigating existing products • Developing design criteria that clarifies the target user |
| |
Make |
| • Making a torch with a working electrical circuit and switch • Using appropriate equipment to cut and attach materials • Assembling a torch according to the design and success criteria | • Altering a product’s form and function by tinkering with its configuration. • Making a functional series circuit, incorporating a motor • Constructing a product with consideration for the design criteria • Breaking down the construction process into steps so that others can make the product |
| |
Evaluate |
| • Testing and evaluating the success of a final product and taking inspiration from the w | • Carry out a product analysis to look at the purpose of a product along with its strengths and weaknesses • Determining which parts of a product affect its function and which parts affect its form • Analysing whether changes in configuration positively or negatively affect an existing product • Peer evaluating a set of instructions to build a product |
| |
Knowledge | Technical |
| • To know that an electrical circuit must be complete for electricity to flow • To know that a switch can be used to complete and break an electrical circuit | • To know that series circuits only have one direction for the electricity to flow • To know when there is a break in a series circuit, all components turn off • To know that an electric motor converts electrical energy into rotational movement, causing the motor’s axle to spin • To know a motorised product is one which uses a motor to function |
| Additional |
| • To know the features of a torch: case, contacts, batteries, switch, reflector, lamp, lens • To know facts from the history and invention of the electric light bulb(s) - by Sir Joseph Swan and Thomas Edison | • To know that product analysis is critiquing the strengths and weaknesses of a product • To know that ‘configuration’ means how the parts of a product are arranged |
Cooking and Nutrition | |||||||
| Year 1 | Year2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 | |
Skills |
| Fruit and Veg |
| Eating Seasonally |
| What Could be Healthier? |
Design | • Designing smoothie carton packaging by-hand or on ICT software |
| • Creating a healthy and nutritious recipe for a savoury tart using seasonal ingredients, considering the taste, texture, smell and appearance of the dish |
| • Adapting a traditional recipe, understanding that the nutritional value of a recipe alters if you remove, substitute or add additional ingredients • Writing an amended method for a recipe to incorporate the relevant changes to ingredients • Designing appealing packaging to reflect a recipe |
| |
Make | • Chopping fruit and vegetables safely to make a smoothie • Identifying if a food is a fruit or a vegetable • Learning where and how fruits and vegetables grow |
| • Knowing how to prepare themselves and a work space to cook safely in, learning the basic rules to avoid food contamination • Following the instructions within a recipe |
| • Cutting and preparing vegetables safely • Using equipment safely, including knives, hot pans and hobs • Knowing how to avoid cross-contamination • Following a step by step method carefully to make a recipe |
| |
Evaluate | • Tasting and evaluating different food combinations • Describing appearance, smell and taste • Suggesting information to be included on packaging |
| • Establishing and using design criteria to help test and review dishes • Describing the benefits of seasonal fruits and vegetables and the impact on the environment • Suggesting points for improvement when making a seasonal tart |
| • Identifying the nutritional differences between different products and recipes • Identifying and describing healthy benefits of food groups |
| |
Knowledge | Cooking and Nutrition | • Understanding the difference between fruits and vegetables • To understand that some foods typically known as vegetables are actually fruits (e.g. cucumber) • To know that a blender is a machine which mixes ingredients together into a smooth liquid • To know that a fruit has seeds and a vegetable does not • To know that fruits grow on trees or vines • To know that vegetables can grow either above or below ground • To know that vegetables can come from different parts of the plant (e.g. roots: potatoes, leaves: lettuce, fruit: cucumber) |
| • To know that not all fruits and vegetables can be grown in the UK • To know that climate affects food growth • To know that vegetables and fruit grow in certain seasons • To know that cooking instructions are known as a ‘recipe’ • To know that imported food is food which has been brought into the country • To know that exported food is food which has been sent to another country. • To understand that imported foods travel from far away and this can negatively impact the environment • To know that each fruit and vegetable gives us nutritional benefits because they contain vitamins, minerals and fibre • To understand that vitamins, minerals and fibre are important for energy, growth and maintaining health • To know safety rules for using, storing and cleaning a knife safely • To know that similar coloured fruits and vegetables often have similar nutritional benefits |
| • To understand where meat comes from - learning that beef is from cattle and how beef is reared and processed, including key welfare issues • To know that I can adapt a recipe to make it healthier by substituting ingredients • To know that I can use a nutritional calculator to see how healthy a food option is • To understand that ‘cross-contamination’ means that bacteria and germs have been passed onto ready-to-eat foods and it happens when these foods mix with raw meat or unclean objects |
Textiles | |||||||
| Year 1 | Year2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 | |
Skills |
| Puppets |
| Waistcoats |
Design | • Using a template to create a design for a puppet |
| • Designing a waistcoat in accordance to specification linked to set of design criteria to fit a specific theme • Annotating designs | |
Make | • Cutting fabric neatly with scissors • Using joining methods to decorate a puppet • Sequencing steps for construction |
| • Using a template when pinning panels onto fabric • Marking and cutting fabric accurately, in accordance with a design • Sewing a strong running stitch, making small, neat stitches and following the edge • Tying strong knots • Decorating a waistcoat -attaching objects using thread and adding a secure fastening • Learning different decorative stitches • Sewing accurately with even regularity of stitches | |
Evaluate | • Reflecting on a finished product, explaining likes and dislikes |
| • Evaluating work continually as it is created | |
Knowledge |
| • To know that ‘joining technique’ means connecting two pieces of material together • To know that there are various temporary methods of joining fabric by using staples. glue or pins • To understand that different techniques for joining materials can be used for different purposes • To understand that a template (or fabric pattern) is used to cut out the same shape multiple times • To know that drawing a design idea is useful to see how an idea will look |
| • To understand that it is important to design clothing with the client/ target customer in mind • To know that using a template (or clothing pattern) helps to accurately mark out a design on fabric • To understand the importance of consistently sized stitches |
Digital World | |||||||
| Year 1 | Year2 | Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 | |
Skills |
| Electronic charm |
| Navigating The World |
Design |
| • Problem solving by suggesting potential features on a Micro: bit and justifying my ideas • Developing design ideas for a technology pouch • Drawing and manipulating 2D shapes, using computer-aided design, to produce a point of sale badge |
| • Writing a design brief from information submitted by a client • Developing design criteria to fulfil the client’s request • Considering and suggesting additional functions for my navigation tool • Developing a product idea through annotated sketches • Placing and manoeuvring 3D objects, using CAD • Changing the properties of, or combine one or more 3D objects, using CAD | |
Make |
| • Using a template when cutting and assembling the pouch • Following a list of design requirements • Selecting and using the appropriate tools and equipment for cutting, joining, shaping and decorating a foam pouch • Applying functional features such as using foam to create soft buttons |
| • Considering materials and their functional properties, especially those that are sustainable and recyclable (for example, cork and bamboo) • Explaining material choices and why they were chosen as part of a product concept • Programming an N,E, S,W cardinal compass | |
Evaluate |
| • Analysing and evaluating an existing product • Identifying the key features of a pouch |
| • Explaining how my program fits the design criteria and how it would be useful as part of a navigation tool • Developing an awareness of sustainable design • Identifying key industries that utilise 3D CAD modelling and explain why • Describing how the product concept fits the client’s request and how it will benefit the customers • Explaining the key functions in my program, including any additions • Explaining how my program fits the design criteria and how it would be useful as part of a navigation tool • Explaining the key functions and features of my navigation tool to the client as part of a product concept pitch • Demonstrating a functional program as part of a product concept | |
Knowledge | Technical |
| • To understand that in programming a ‘loop’ is code that repeats something again and again until stopped • To know that a Micro:bit is a pocket-sized, codeable computer • Writing a program to control (button press) and/or monitor (sense light) that will initiate a flashing LED algorithm |
| • To know that accelerometers can detect movement • To understand that sensors can be useful in products as they mean the product can function without human input |
| Additional |
| •To know what the ‘Digital Revolution’ is and features of some of the products that have evolved as a result •To know that in Design and technology the term ‘smart’ means a programmed product •To know the difference between analogue and digital technologies • To understand what is meant by ‘point of sale display’ • To know that CAD stands for Computer-aided design |
| • To know that designers write design briefs and develop design criteria to enable them to fulfil a client’s request • To know that ‘multifunctional’ means an object or product has more than one function • To know that magnetometers are devices that measure the Earth’s magnetic field to determine which direction you are facing |