Hello and welcome to Reception’s class Page.
I am Mrs Canipa and I will be teaching you this year. Miss Marshall and Mrs Hindle will also be in our class helping and supporting you with your learning. We are very excited to start your new school journey with you, here at Christ Church!
Do keep visiting this page for regular updates and information on our learning and events etc.
Things you need to know:
Our door is always open so please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have a question or a concern. You can message via Teams or email / telephone the office. You can also grab us on the yard before and after school.
We have had a lovely start to the new year in reception class by making the most of the snowy weather outside. In class we have learnt all about winter and taken parts in lots of winter themed activities. The creation station has been very busy this week too with lots of junk modelling.
What a special few weeks we have had in school. We have loved getting ready for Christmas and enjoyed taking part in lots of Christmas activities!!
Shapes, shapes and more shapes!! We have been leaning all about shapes in maths this week. We have had a go at creating our ‘Kandinsky’s Circles’ art work using oil pastels or paints and we have worked on our fine motor skills by creating shape pictures using the hammer boards.
We have also had lots of fun exploring and investigating our pumpkins. Our lines of enquiry were:
We have been very creative this week – making autumn pictures using our autumn treasures we collected on our hunt, making poppy fields using water colours and poster paint after learning about Remembrance Day and working together in our outdoor area to create constructions using large loose parts.
This week we working on our subitising skills in maths and have continued learning about Diwali – making firework pictures, rangoli patterns and being creative by designing our own mehndi patterns. We have also been learning about autumn and started to use our noticing skills to spot signs of autumn (we did get a little bit carried away having fun with all the leaves!)
What a busy first week back we have had. We have been learning about patterns in maths and making potions in our water area. We have also started learning about different celebrations and festivals in our topic work. This week we have started to learn about Diwali and some of the traditions that take place during this special festival. We have also learnt about the meaning behind Bonfire night and taken part in lots of Bonfire night related activities including making rockets from junk modelling and making firework pictures using chalks and loose parts.
This week we had fun learning about the inside of our bodies. We learnt about bones and found out some interesting facts.
That the largest muscle is your body is your bottom!
And the most hard working muscle in your body is your heart!
We also read the story Funny Bones. We reenacted the story using our small world toys and took on the role of doctors. We continued to work on building our friendships both inside and outside and took part in some Yoga!
Learning about our senses and lots of phonics practise.
Lots of learning about our bodies this week. We have enjoyed drawing around ourselves and labelling the different body parts as well as making ourselves using loose parts.
Another busy week in school. We have done lots of sorting in maths, talked about our families in our topic work and worked hard to fill our new sandpit up. It was VERY hard work but we made a great team! 😊 We also enjoyed our first ‘Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle’ lesson ~ where we have been learning to use dance and large movements to help develop our muscles ready for writing.
This week we were thinking about how we are all special and unique. We read the story Elmer and found out what made him special. We then thought about ways in which we are special and enjoyed taking part in lots of Elmer activities. We also took part in lots of fun activities to help our fingers strong, worked together in PE in some team games and practised our phonics outside. We also had fun watching the workman resurfacing the road next to school.
We have had a great first week in school. Our text focus has been Oi Frog! We have enjoyed getting to know each other, played lots of rhyming games and even made our own bouncy frogs.