
ColneChrist ChurchChurch of England Primary School


Welcome toColne Christ Church Church of England Primary School

Year Four

                     Welcome to Year 4 2022-23


Welcome to the Year 4 class page! My name is Mr Parsons and I will be teaching Year 4 this year. Please keep visiting this page for regular updates and information on learning and events etc.


Just to let you all know we have had a great start to the new year (check out some of the photographs below!)The children have settled in really well and I have been impressed by everyone's work ethic and great behaviour. I know we are going to have a great year!



Key Information


P.E kit needs to be in school on Mondays and Thursdays.


Homework will be given out on Fridays and will need to be returned by the following Friday.


Please read your reading books every night!


Year 4 is an important year for multiplication/times tables learning. There is a national statutory times table check for all year 4 pupils in June. Please make sure you go on times table rockstars and complete any multiplication homework. More details will be given on the multiplication check nearer the time





We love reading in Year 4! Have a look at the following lists for quality, age appropriate books...

Here are some excellent online times table programmes that can also be used as an app...

May 2024- In our maths learning we have been using place value counters to support our learning about decimals

April 2024- Welcome to The new term!- In our maths learning, we have been folding post it notes to investigate fractions of wholes

March 2024- We took delivery of our new crown green bowling equipment and tried it out. It was great fun!

February 2024- A group of Year 4 children attended the UV Benchball event- we showed great team spirit and sportsmanship and came second overall at the event! Every single child said they greatly enjoyed the occasion

February 2024- French -Year 4 have been learning about numbers in French and making fortune tellers to solve number operation problems

January 2024- We had great fun outside in the snow!

January 2024- P.E.- We have been improving our throwing accuracy skills in P.E whilst learning how to play boccia

January 2024- Science- We have been experimenting with how sounds are created. We used a variety of musical instruments and balloons to discover how sounds are created by vibrations!

January 2024- Welcome to the new term!- We have had a great start to the new term with a visit to Queen Street Mill in Burnley to complete our learning about the Lancashire cotton industry.

December 2023- R.E.- In R.E. we have been learning about the Jewish festival of light Hannukah- here are some examples of Hannukah cards we have created

December 2023- Design Technology- We have been creating free standing pavillions and cladding them. Here is an example of some excellent weaving skills by Jasmine

November 2023- We have been writing and then typing limericks into Microsoft Word- here are some examples!

November 2023- Design Technology- Y4 have been thinking about how to create stable structures in our Pavillions topic- we experimented with marshmallows and cocktail sticks.

November 2023- RE- Christmas and Light- We are thinking about the importance of light in religious festivals from a range of different religions- We lit a candle and thought about how the light made us feel

October 2023- WELCOME TO THE NEW HALF TERM!- We have started our new topic about the Lancashire Cotton industry by looking at what cotton actually is

October 2023- Some Year 4 pupils represented Christ Church magnificently at the Curling event at Pendle Vale High School

October 2023- We read the books we created to the Year 1 class. I think both classes really enjoyed it!

September 2023- In english we have been writing story books for a younger audience- here are a selection of our fabulous end products

September 2023- In Geography we have competed river models to represent the upper, lower and middle courses of a river

September 2023- In P.E we have been thinking about our health and fitness and completing activities to try and get fitter!

September 2023- In Science we have been learning about The Digestive System- we completed an experiment to simulate how the digestive system works

Here are a few photos from week 1!
