
ColneChrist ChurchChurch of England Primary School


Welcome toColne Christ Church Church of England Primary School

Year Two

Big Picture - find out more about what we are learning this half term

Hello to all of our Year 2 children, parents and carers!

Welcome to a new year of exciting learning at Christ Church.

Your Year 2 teachers are Mrs Askew and Miss Wood.



I hope that you have all had a lovely summer break and enjoyed spending time with family and friends. I also hope that you are ready to come back to school and excited to begin a big year of learning!

In the next couple of weeks I will be holding a 'Meet The Teachers' workshop when you will be able to meet me, spend some time in your child's new classroom and find out about our curriculum in Year 2. Keep checking this web page for news of upcoming events as well information about what the children have been doing in class.


Let's work together to ensure that your child enjoys school and is supported in fulfilling their potential during our Year 2 learning journey. The door is always open if you have questions or concerns. Don't hesitate to pop in for a chat!

Mrs Askew and Miss Wood laugh

 yes Reading is so important and is at the heart of all of our learning in school. Here is a list of fifty high quality books that are age           appropriate to share with your child.

Year 2 Great Books to Share

yes We also recommend the Topmarks Maths website. You will find games that will help your child develop recall of number facts such as number bonds. Here is a link to the web page.
