
ColneChrist ChurchChurch of England Primary School


Welcome toColne Christ Church Church of England Primary School



Over the last couple of years we have focused on ‘God’s Big Story’.  This has led to us unpicking the Bible in a year and giving children an overview of God’s Big Story.  This year our worship will take a slightly different form. 


In 2024/25 we will focus on the person and ministry of Jesus and will consider how he himself embodies the values of wisdom, hope, community, dignity as well as joy and peace.  We will aim to answer some big questions:

  • Who was Jesus? 
  • Why was Jesus sent?
  • What did he say and teach? 
  • What was God’s big plan?
  • What miracles did Jesus perform?


From September 2024 worship will take the following form:


Monday: Mr Peers will lead worship focusing on Jesus’ and his ministry.  We will continue to place this within the context of the ‘big story’ and God’s salvation plan. 


Over the course of the academic year we will focus on:

  • The Words of Jesus (Autumn 1st half) (gospels)
  • God’s Big Plan (Autumn 2nd half) (creation, fall, people of God, incarnation)
  • Who was Jesus?  (Spring 1st half) (incarnation, gospels)
  • People Jesus met (Spring 2nd half) (gospels, salvation)
  • Jesus’ teachings (Summer 1st half) (gospels)
  • Jesus’ miracles (Summer 2nd half) (gospels, kingdom of God)


Our work will continue to link to God’s Big Story…

  • Creation (God created the heavens and the earth and everything was good)
  • Fall (humankind spoilt creation and broke the relationship with God - humans became in need of rescue)
  • People of God (in the Old Testament God tries to restore his relationship with people – choosing particular people to work with him.  He spoke through the words of the prophets, but the people did not listen and were awaiting the Messiah),
  • Incarnation (The arrival of the Messiah, the Saviour, to rescue the people from the results of the fall and restore their relationship with God.  Jesus, the Son of God, who came to live among us).
  • Gospels (Jesus’ good news for everyone.  His life, ministry and teaching, showing people what it means to live in relationship with God who is their father, and loves them).
  • Salvation (The death and resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate rescue plan.  God’s people are saved because, through Jesus, sin is dealt with and forgiveness offered.  People can now choose to follow the way back to God).
  • Kingdom of God (God’s kingdom is the world as God intended it to be.  Christians look forward to the day when God’s kingdom fully comes and earth and heaven are transformed.  Until that time they strive to build the kingdom in their communities, empowered by the Holy Spirit and reflecting Jesus’ example in the world).


The values wisdom, hope, community, dignity, joy and peace are determined by the Bible text and therefore throughout each half term we will explore a mixture of these values.


Clergy Worship – Tuesday:

Rev. Andy Froud / Rev’d David Hargreaves will come into school on Tuesday mornings at 10.10am. 


Throughout the Autumn Term they will explore with the children how Jesus used his hands (Autumn I) and in the second half of the term they will look at the Book of Jonah & Advent. 


In the Spring Term they will consider inspirational Christian people (based on the book Everyone a Child Should Know) exploring Christians who changed the lives of others; Christians who used their talents for God; Christian values in action and Missionaries.  In the Second half of Spring Term we will look at the Teaching of St. Paul. 


During the Summer Term we shall look at the life of St. Peter and his journey of faith along with inspirational Christian people who changed the life of others.


Wednesday Class Worship:

Class worship will be based on 'Values for Life' – each half term will focus on a different Christian Value (Virtue) as follows:

  • Autumn 1  - Thankfulness
  • Autumn 2 - Friendship
  • Spring 1 - Truthfulness
  • Spring 2 - Hope
  • Summer 1 - Compassion
  • Summer 2 - Humility


Thursday Worship:

Mrs Rayner will utilise a mixture of:

  • Picture News materials;
  • Sing and Praise’ alternative worship along with
  • BDBE Worship across the Diocese– these are online acts of worship which will allow children to experience worship being delivered by a range of people from across our diocese.



    Friday – Celebration Praise:

    This will continue to be a rewards based celebration service – giving thanks to God for our wonderful gifts and talents. 

    This will be hosted by Mr Peers and/or Mrs Rayner.  Children are encouraged to bring any certificates of achievement into school for us to share in their successes. 


    Our worship materials link with the Blackburn Diocesan RE scheme of work and also Understanding Christianity materials (prepared by the Church of England Education Office).  


    Additionally, we shall occasionally learn about different 'people of faith' which highlights faith in action and demonstrates how Christian values are 'lived out'. 



    Collective Worship Policy

    Christian Values we will Explore in 2024/25

    In the first half of autumn term our Christian Value / Virtue is...

    Here are some ideas, based on the Christian Value we are discussing in school this half term, of activities and things to discuss and reflect upon.


    You might:

    • Talk about the short introduction and think about and discuss the questions posed together
    • Read together a version of a key Bible story
    • Think about the 'Words of Wisdom' and reflect upon this
    • Share the fascinating facts and marvel at them
    • Try completing the Family Focus activity
    • Complete the Home School Challenge (don't forget to send your efforts in to school)
    • Talk about the inspirational character in the 'Hall of Fame' and reflect on how they have demonstrated the value in the way they have lived their lives


    More about our Core Christian Values...

    Easter at Christ Church - Holy Week: Learning about 'The Servant King' and 'The Last Supper'

    Easter 2024: For our Easter Service children made this cross depicting the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ.

    Harvest at Christ Church

    The Bishop of Blackburn leading our worship. With help from some children he explained the story of St Nicholas and why we receive gifts at Christmas. He also challenged the children to be generous this Christmas; with their love, time and kindness.
